söndag 20 februari 2011


1. Equality of men; origin and object of government.
2. Natural rights.
2-a. The bearing of arms.
3. Society, its organization and purposes.
4. Rights of conscience unalienable.
5. Religious freedom recognized.
6. Morality and piety.
7. State sovereignty.
8. Accountability of magistrates and officers; public’s right to know.
9. No hereditary office or place.
10. Right of revolution.
11. Elections and elective franchises.
12. Protection and taxation reciprocal.
12-a. Power t take property limited.
13. Conscientious objectors not compelled to bear arms.
14. Legal remedies to be free, complete, and prompt.
15. Right of accused.
16. Former jeopardy; jury trial in capital cases.
17. Venue of criminal prosecution.
18. Penalties to be proportioned to offenses; true design of punishment.
19. Searches and seizures regulated.
20. Jury trial in civil causes.
21. Jurors; compensation.
22. Free speech; liberty of the press.
23. Retrospective laws prohibited.
24. Militia.
25. Standing armies.
26. Military, subject to civil power.
27. Quartering of soldiers.
28. Taxes, by whom levied.
28-a. Mandated programs.
29. Suspension of laws by legislature only.
30. Freedom of speech.
31. Meetings of legislature, for what purposes.
32. Rights of assembly, instruction, and petition.
33. Excessive bail, fines, and punishments prohibited.
34. Martial law limited.
35. The judiciary; tenure of office, etc.
36. Pensions.
36-a. Use of retirement funds.
37. Separation of powers.
38. Social virtues inculcated.
39. Changes in town and city charters; referendum required.


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